
Showing posts from 2010

Common mistakes in Test case writting

Cardinal axiom of all user interface design

What is a good test case?

When to Quit.....

Some Inspiring Quotes from Seth Godin

Pros and Cons of Manual Testing

The Mindset of the Winners

Pareto Analysis 80/20 Rule

Test case Review Checklist

What is a vulnerability?

What is Penetration Testing

Project Management Sin:Lust

What is pair testing?

Why we need gray-box testing?

Code Debugging while exploratory testing

Project Management Sin: Gluttony

Question of the day

Famous: Iron Triangle

Seven Project Management Sins

Seven Testing Principles

What is Forced Browsing?


What is Startup?

Exploratory Testing Vs Scripted Testing

Try New Things

what is the Quality Criteria For Software Applications?

Testing Priciples

Comparison between Severity and Priority

Important factors involved in test automation

First Job post by micrsoft for software tester

Static Testing Vs Dynamic Testing

Cowboys Coders

How to create good powerpoint Presentation

How Google works